Valor Papdi is a type of flat bean. It is also called Saem Ki Phalli. I learnt this dish from one of my Gujarati Friends. This Valor Papdi Nu Shaak tastes really good with all those spices and has a mild sweet flavor. The flavor of Ajwain is the highlight of this dish; so do not forget to add it.
Valor Papdi – 250 Gms
Oil – 2 tbsp
Cumin Seeds – 1 tsp
Ajwain (Carom Seeds /Omam) – 2 tsp
Crushed Ginger – 1 tsp
Crushed Garlic – 1 tsp
Onion – 1 (Sliced)
Red Chilli Powder – ½ tsp
Tomato – 1 (sliced)
Turmeric Powder – 1 pinch
Coriander Seed Powder – 1tsp
Salt – to taste
Grated Coconut – 3 tbsp
Jaggery – 1 tbsp
Rinse the flat beans. String each bean and pull out the pods of the Papdi apart. Chop and break each Papdi to two or three pieces. Keep aside the pieces and the pods.

Heat the Oil in a pan. Add Carrom Seeds and Cumin Seeds. Stir them for a few seconds. Add crushed Ginger and Garlic. Cook for 30 to 40 seconds.
Add Valor Papdi and sliced Onion. Stir them well. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes over low flame.
Add sliced Tomato, grated Coconut, Salt, Chilli Powder, Coriander Powder, Cumin Seeds Powder and Turmeric Powder. Cook for 2 minutes. Add ¾ cup of water and Jaggery.
Cover with the lid again and simmer till the vegetable is done. Adjust the seasoning to suit taste.

Transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with Rice, Roti, Chappati etc

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